EgoPHobia #24

The Defeat

by Mihai Mateiu (Romania) Translated from Romanian by Rareş Moldovan for the Romanian version, click here As the final whistle blows, the scoreboard shows 2-0. The home team’s anthem blasts out of the speakers at full volume, and the cheers of their supporters fill him with hatred. He glances at his friends as he makes his […]

On the Edge of the World

by Aurel Stănescu Avram (Romania)  Translated  from Romanian by Monica Becheru Edited by Robert Fenhagen   A few years ago, one of my bad habits usually happened right around noon, when Radu, my dump truck driver and I, used to escape to the beach that ran between the harbor lock and the Navodari camp.  We would hide […]

Chasing time

by Monica Trif  (Romania) Translation from Romanian by Irina Savin  Edited by Robert Fenhagen   Adrian rushed from the house, made his way as best he could through the fierce blizzard, took his horse and carriage and set off for the village.     It was blizzard weather, and he could barely see on that Christmas  Eve. […]

Death Is Long

Submitted anonymously from the United States edited by Robert Fenhagen Headline from ‘the New York Star of June 6th, 2010  Reported sightings of television reporter Cynthia Beekman have dwindled since the pretty 34-year-old Beekman disappeared two weeks ago.  According to sources near to the investigation, her last interview was with a supposed vampire. The only physical […]

Beautiful People

by Robert Fenhagen (USA)   “How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?” Thinking back, and remembering the Beatles’ song from back in the day, was one of the ways that he spent his endless hours, playing it over and over again in his mind as he wandered the filthy streets of […]

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