Guilty in America

by Carmen Firan [USA] translation from Romanian by Iris Butnariu [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici It was not Tuesday, nor the 13th, but since morning I had the feeling that things would not go well at all. The lawyer told me at the last minute that he could not come with me to […]

Marile Speranţe

 by JKS Makokha [Kenya] traducere din engleză: Iris Butnariu, masterandă MTTLC editat de Adrian Ioniţă  for the English version click here   ****** Amintiri.  Amintiri. Este ciudat cum amintirile atât vechi cât şi noi apar câteodată pe neaşteptate în mintea omului, fără invitaţie sau programare. Acum îmi amintesc cât de multă lume de acasă, credea că […]


de Andrew Kooman [Canada] [Câştigător al Premiului Hobson pentru Ficţiune în 2004] traducere din engleză: Laura Badea [masterandă MTTLC] for the English version, click here Scriu aceste rânduri pentru Nazar, a cărui limbă nu o vorbesc, şi pentru numele copiilor lui, pe care nu le cunosc. Scriu ca să înţeleg ceva. Dacă aş şti despre […]


by Adrian Sângeorzan [USA] translated from Romanian by Caroline Carver & Iris Butnariu [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici                              I started liking her when I saw her taking blood samples from sick people. When she pricked them with the needle which seemed like a natural continuation of her long and thin fingers, not […]

Omul care nu putea uita!

 de Michael Graeme [Marea Britanie] traducere din engleză: Mihu Elena Veronica [masterandă MTTLC] editare de Adrian Ioniţă for the English version click here    Am o problemă cu memoria. Nu că m-ar lăsa vreodată – de fapt, este chiar invers. Într-adevăr, toate amintirile, mai puţin cele legate de primii ani de viaţă, sunt cu adevărat […]


by Robert Serban [România] translated from Romanian by Oana-Manuela Mihai [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici For as long as he could remember Sandu Ghiran had worked like a slave, except he wasn’t a slave because he worked for himself alone.  He had toiled like a beast since he was a child until now […]

Flaubert’s Hare

by Gheorghe Recheşan [Romania] translation from Romanian by Dorina Burcea [MTTLC student]  pentru versiunea română click aici  Flaubert had a hare. Actually, she was a nubile doe with downy fur resembling the hue of a genuine Ceylonese cinnamon. Maturin, the gardener’s son who’s  weeding out the carrot field, had nicknamed her Emma – with two M’s. […]

What’s your name

by Augustin Cupşa translation from Romanian by Andreea Geanina Velicu [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici            Marin Burlacu. He is old, tall and lean. He doesn’t know the meaning of hard labour, either around the household or in the field. He was a technical workshop trainer at a school complex. His cheeks and his […]

Poems by Sorin-Mihai Grad

Surrogate of a story translated by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ [MTTLC student] we are useless and we think about death this is everything we know and we don’t say it one another your story is more insipid than you take me out of it

Poems by Ştefan Bolea

Translation from Romanian by Merryn Williams and Adriana Boagiu, MTTLC student attempt I am the last wave of an avalanche that wrecked a century that unveils the sneering laughter of the void; the universal spirit which, like a shark, bites the net from his trainer’s glove. I am alone in the garden of Eden

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