The Beginning

by Cătălina Fometici translation from Romanian by Maria Jastrzebska & Camelia-Aura Barbu [MTTLC student] click aici pentru versiunea română   …And time started to exist. Time didn’t exist before, she said. In the past, there was only Eternity. And Eternity was mild; it was rose-colored and golden, full of beams of light, a nameless fragrance […]


by Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by Raisa Lambru [MTTLC student] click pentru versiunea română / cliquez ici pour la version française   The war has started. I am undercover. Only those who can see the other side may realize that I’m wearing the enemy’s uniform. The uniform of the non-human, of the monster. (In […]

The Concierge

by A. R. Deleanu translation from Romanian by Nigel Walker and Gianina-Aniela Câşleanu [MTTLC student]   click aici pentru versiunea română   When the creature went past his car, flashing on and off, like lightening in the night, the traveller knew he had to pull over. He couldn’t see what it was. A dog, a […]

The Breast

by A.R. Deleanu translation from Romanian by A. C. Clarke and Camelia Aura Barbu [MTTLC student]               Two hours had passed since the man had entered the house, put down his briefcase next to the kitchen table and stood there staring vacantly at the square patch above the sink where there had once been […]

Ochii vii ai primului antihrist

(de la ateism la agnosticism şi înapoi) [IV] de Ştefan Bolea traducere: Raisa Lambru [masterand MTTL]C   click here for the English version   „Vreau să mor într-o crâşmă, unde vinul este aproape de gura omului pe moarte.” (Carmina Burana)   De ziua mea mi-am cumpărat cartea lui Minois, tradusă recent în engleză: Georges Minois, […]

Poeme de Patrick Călinescu

traducere de Cristina Baciu [masterandă MTTLC]   click here for the English version     O kosmogonie intensitatea întinsă până la explozibilitate încheie cercul, întorcându-se la incipitul de focul rugându-se să fie aprins prin scânteia inițială,

We Believe in Nothing

by Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by Simona Sămulescu [MTTLC student]   click pentru versiunea română   I am more and more inclined to consider that one can believe in nothing. If you are true to yourself you come to realize that almost anything can be destroyed, that almost nothing can withstand total criticism, which […]

Poems by Radu Vancu

[from the volume Flowered String, Max Blecher Publishing House, 2012] translation from Romanian by Nigel Walker & Zenovia Popa [MTTLC student] click pentru versiunea română     What is one of your dead people telling you the dearest, the most beloved among the dead, when your heart allows you to dream him:   ’Do not […]

Ai înțeles totul pe dos

  de Robert Fenhagen [USA] traducere din engleza de Florina Sămulescu, studentă MTTLC   for the English version click here   „Ai înțeles totul pe dos. Frate, de unde-ți iei informațiile – din Tâmpenia Națională?” „Nu-i tâmpenia, și o știi foarte bine.” ”Ar putea la fel de bine să fie – stricând ying-yang-ul; haide mă, doar nu crezi […]

Sher Khan

by Andrei Mocuța Translation from Romanian by Nigel Walker and Cristina Baciu, MTTLC student   pentru versiunea română click aici              Șercan was the last descendant of the Sher Khan tribe located somewhere in Eastern Africa. The following pieces of information are not meant to be strictly biographical and it would give me great pleasure if […]

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