short story


 by Bob Fenhagen (USA) pentru versiunea română click aici   It was going to be another hot day in Florida– sluggish and sensual.  It was June and creatures were hot and hungry.                                                                   The baby bird flopped out of the nest and fell to the ground like a stone, but had only fallen a few feet […]

Hell and blood

by Cristina Nemerovschi (Morgothya) (Romania) Translation from Romanian by Christine Coleman and Mircea Filimon, MTTLC student edited by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici Today I started spitting blood. The first thing that I thought was that I might have tuberculosis, which, actually,  made me feel alright, because after all, it’s a disease which […]

The Birdcage Melodies

by James Bent (Australia)  pentru versiunea română click aici  Piazza Mattina                  Franco smoked a cigarette, Milos next to him repeatedly smoothed his finger across his eyebrow, looking into the centre of the square.  A grey-stained travertine fountain, a sculpture of a horse with large, open wings from it’s shoulders, reared back between two dolphins […]

Playing Chess with an Angel

by Marius Surleac (Romania) edited by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici   Last night, just before drifting off into sleep—that twilight time, I witnessed a most incredible thing:  twinkling, sparkling light began coming through my bedroom wall! It was so real, that I knew that it couldn’t be dream, so I lay there wondering […]

The Managing Director’s Cigarettes

by Alexandru Potcoavă (Romania) Translation from Romanian by Philippa Lawrence and Cristina Mihaela Sandu (MTTLC) pentru versiunea română click aici    Exactly five minutes before the clock above the entrance of the Szana Bank struck nine o’clock, Rezső Halle opened its street door and hurried up the stairs. When he reached the landing, as on every morning, […]

White Cigars

  by Adrian Ioniţă (USA) Translation from Romanian by Martin Potter and Mirona Palas re-write by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici    How and why did I come to work for you at the end of your life? Why you come to visit me after a performance was once food for gossip, but has […]


by Carmen Firan [USA] translated from Romanian by Martin Potter & Silvia Bratu [MTTLC student] edited by  Robert Fenhagen Then one day it hit me all of a sudden like a lightning bolt, in the form of a vivid mental image. Suddenly I could see in my mind’s eye that the world I saw around […]


by Valery Oisteanu [USA] The City Where It Was Illegal to  Die Standardland is hot and dry. The  asphalt melts under your shoes and seems to float away into the traffic.  Dilapidated cars sit abandoned on the central boulevard next to the fashion  mall. In the city where it is forbidden to die, the inhabitants […]


by Alexandru Potcoavă [Romania] translated from Romanian by Graham Mummery & Alina-Olimpia Miron [MTTLC student]   “How’s my darling wife?” Colonel Petrescu’s vodka-soaked voice roared from the hallway. “I’m good, of course!” replied the lady-colonel from the living-room, in an irritated tone, while perusing a Soviet fashion magazine. “Finished the application?” “Finished for the day!“ […]

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