
The Dark Cosmogony of the Crux

[Şerban Andrei Mazilu, The Angellove Society: Crux, WheelMan Press, 2013] by Ştefan Bolea 1.   Let me start this off by saying that Mazilu’s English is extraordinary – I never felt for a moment that this book was written by a non-native English speaker. I was impressed by the range of his vocabulary and I even […]

Ziua 2

de Şerban Andrei Mazilu     Noaptea era umeda si fierbinte, transformand orasul plutitor intr-o entitate vie ce parea ca se relaxeaza in apele sarate, admirand cerul instelat. Trecusera aproape doua ore dupa miezul noptii si luminile facliilor palisera; garzile de noapte isi faceau rondul din inertie, cu greu reusind sa nu cada prada somnului […]

Star Wars – Marauder

by Şerban Andrei Mazilu     Chain lightning struck the horizon, over the thick jungle and the untamed wilderness beyond the city walls. Terrible beasts prowled the in darkness, unaffected by the constant electric storms that ravaged Dromund Kaas. Somewhere a slave was being ripped to pieces by a pack of giant reptiles – just […]

School Night

by Şerban Andrei Mazilu     Laine took a drag from her long ivory pipe, enjoying the calming effect of the illegal smoldering herb. Her absinth gaze fell in a melancholic manner over the half-naked body next to her, following the delicate outline of the woman’s marble back and half breast she revealed. She partially […]


by Şerban Andrei Mazilu   Felix woke up in a pool of sweat, the dry suffocating atmosphere in his bedroom rising to unbearable levels. He groaned like a drunk and pushed himself up, noticing the stain on the dirty, uncovered mattress. His head spun and hurt like a thousand sledgehammers slamming together against the largest […]

Madness Actually

by Şerban Andrei Mazilu   “Madness is so boring, isn’t it, Lewis? Yeeees… So utterly mundane, so predictable when you start noticing the pattern. Look at you, man! You’re doing the mouse thing. The crazy old bastard, petting his little minion in a deranged and fanatic way, until there’s no life inside the poor creature… […]


by Şerban Andrei Mazilu   “Behold!” he said, opening his arms as to embrace the mountain-sized beast made of blues and greens and cyans and turquoise, and a little sandy-beige gradient where its hair was suppose to be. “The LEVIATHAN!” “The Leviathan? What’s a Leviathan?” I asked all-puzzled, for I had never seen such a […]

Potopul lui A.R. Deleanu

[A.R. Deleanu, Îmblânzitorul apelor, CDPL, Bucureşti, 2012] de Dorin Mureşan   A.R. Deleanu, pseudonimul literar al lui Flavius Ardelean, este braşovean, fost baterist, absolvent de studii europene şi masterand în management cultural. Aceste puţine detalii biografice ale debutantului le va găsi cel interesat în interviul pe care tânărul scriitor l-a acordat editorului său, Cristian Cosma, […]

A.R. Deleanu – invitatul nostru din EgoPHobia #36

A. R. Deleanu [a.k.a. Flavius Ardelean] s-a născut la Braşov în 1985, a studiat management cultural, studii culturale, relaţii internaţionale şi studii europene în România şi Germania, iar în prezent se specializează în managementul editurilor la Oxford. A co-fondat formaţia The Others şi a fost bateristul acesteia până în 2009. Este colaborator al revistelor tiuk! […]

“O bună parte din lumea imaginată de mine e încă acolo, în mine, incapabilă de a fi transpusă loial în afară”

[interviu cu A.R. Deleanu, invitatul nostru din EgoPHobia #36] de Cristina Nemerovschi     1. Întâi ș-întâi, cum te simți după debut? S-a schimbat ceva în viața ta de zi cu zi? Cât de des te gândești la cartea pe care ai publicat-o în urmă cu câteva luni?   Mă simt bine. Mai bine acum, […]

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