
The New Adam [Avatar II]

de Gorun Manolescu translated from Romanian by: Alina-Olimpia Miron pentru versiunea română click aici ‘ Noul Adam (Avatar II) Ei bine, nu! a zis ea şi eu deja mă plictisisem trăgând cu ochiul prin gaura cheii la scălămbăieturile lor sinistre ce deveniseră de la un timp ritual îmbrăcat în lapte şi miere încă de la […]

Come and See [Three Apocalipse Knights in the Reading of the Fourth]

by Ştefan Bolea translated by Oana Popovici click aici pentru versiunea română   The Herg Benet Publishing House opens an exciting chapter in the post-post-December Romanian literature (so post-, that maybe we should stop referring to 1989 as being our zero historical year, and decide upon 2010 instead!). Taking pride in its avant-garde and nonconformist […]

Polite. Healing

(cronica nihilistei) de Cristina Nemerovschi (Morgothya) translated from Romanian by Silvia Bratu click pentru versiunea română   The second baccalaureate session has passed with as many tears and as much heart-breaking whining as the first session which took place at the beginning of this summer. Indignant students, terribly annoyed parents furiously cursing the poor teachers […]

Poems by Sorin-Mihai Grad

Surrogate Memory translated by Nigel Walker & Alexandra Sârbu [MTTLC student] light was falling and breaking on the ground where I had spread grass and maize-flour rolls we were listening to rammstein on the quiet drinking from half grapefruits what we had squeezed out of them and debating the price of vegetables

Writer’s block [followed by writer’s rush & final block]

by Ştefan Bolea translated by Oana Popovici click aici pentru versiunea română clique aqui para ver a versão em português   I had reached a dead end. I had commenced to cherish the virtues of the year – 1 again. The conspicuous apocrypha. The exorbitant gravitational force of melancholy. The stuffy atmosphere, the burdening spirit, […]

The Homecoming

by Matei Bîtea [Romania] Translation from Romanian by Wendy Stein & Mirona Palas [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici   The young man with a red backpack has two big packages in his hands and cannot get on the train. The stairs to the cabin are blocked. There is a huge crowd of mothers, […]

Bath Watch

  by Igor Ursenco Translation from Romanian by AC Clarke and Laura-Cristina Badea, MTTLC student pentru versiunea română click aici After watching one of the usual fun episodes of the American TV series, starring the remarkable Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff in their wannabe-cinema stars youth, George and Maria, arm in arm, but for different […]

Poems by Sorin-Mihai Grad

translated by Stella Davis & Mădălina Moţ [MTTLC student] Surrogate of the rain no one is interested in politics anymore the poem about it burnt in ‘89 so no, another theme everybody writes about them, about love stories and affections, dreaming and afterwards crying and cursing and almost everyone gives up

Poems by Andrei Ruse

translated from Romanian by Nigel Walker & Loredana Matei [MTTLC student] #super hero (…) no one knows that I am a super hero A few might suspect it, but they wouldn’t bet a cookie. I am a super hero and I light my joint As a super hero does, From a carbonized old trout, An […]

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