(Lecturi potrivite/recomandate de Alexandra)
Poemul 1:
There are nights and days
When time is still young
And pain is unborn
In the womb of nothingness;
Empty that glass of sorrow,
You who came before
When the heart was full of joy
And decay wasn’t even a word;
Hush hush, patron of sorrows
Today I want to live
And let the vows of dying
To those who can’t love again (…)
Poemul 2:
Long is the waiting for the dawn
And the thought of mortality
Is enough to make one man impatient and thirsty to live
And to love, and to burn in credence
That maybe one day shall he be forever;
That fall, so painfully and lavish
Giving all the lessons
Tremors of time, is this the end?
When the wings of earth
Claim the sky, and are once again light
Poemul 3:
A love beyond the grave
I held your hand beneath the moon,
Where shadows danced, our fleeting tune.
The stars bore witness, silent, cold,
To love that time could not withhold.
Your eyes, they burned, a fleeting fire,
A blaze of joy, and dark desire.
Yet fate, a thief, with cruel hand,
Tore you away, like grains of sand.
I call your name, the night does weep,
Its echoes lost in waters deep.
Each whisper fades, each breath grows thin,
A world without you – grief within.
And though the earth may claim your form,
I’ll brave the tempest, face the storm.
For love like ours defies the grave,
An endless tide, a boundless wave.
Poemul 4:
The Whispering Door
In a chamber steeped in twilight’s breath,
Where silence dripped like tears of death,
I heard a knock, a hollow sound,
From the door where shadows wound.
Once, twice – an echo crept,
Through halls where restless spirits wept.
A voice then slithered, cold and low,
“Do you recall what you should not know?”
The candle’s flame began to dance,
Casting shapes that broke my trance.
Upon the walls, in bleeding light,
A story writ of endless night.
I dared not speak; my tongue was still,
For fear would bend my very will.
Yet the door, with moaning creak,
Pushed ajar, inviting the weak.
There stood a form, no flesh, no bone,
Its gaze a mirror, my sins alone.
The specter hissed, “Your soul is mine,
By pact you signed in blood and wine.”
The clock struck twelve, its chime a kneel,
And drew me down to that ancient well.
Through endless dark, I fell, I fell –
To find my place in the depths of Hell.
Still, the whispering door remains,
A gateway bound by cursed chains.
Should you hear its call, beware,
For what it seeks is your despair.
Poemul 5:
The Duel Within
Beneath the veil of silent skies,
A war unfolds where truth lies.
Light and shadow, fierce they dance,
Locked in an endless, aching trance.
The light, a whisper, soft and pure,
Promises hope, a heart’s secure.
It paints the dawn, ignites the flame,
Calling my soul to stake its claim.
Yet darkness rises, cold and deep,
A quiet voice that haunts my sleep.
It speaks of fears I dare not name,
A hollow path of guilt and shame.
Each thought, a blade, each breath, a fight,
Between the day and endless night.
I seek the sun, but shadows cling,
A fragile bird with broken wing.
The war within, no victor clear,
Both foes entwined, both cherished, dear.
For light, though bright, is born of shade,
And darkness thrives where fears cascade.
So let them clash, let them collide,
This fragile storm where I reside.
For in chaos, I am whole –
A fragile balance, my warring soul.
Numele meu este Victor Gheorghe (n. 1992, București), masterand anul II la Facultatea de Istorie a Universității din București. Literatura este cea mai mare pasiune a mea. În timpul liber ador să citesc cât mai mult și, atunci când am un strop de inspirație, să scriu. Genurile de interes spre care tind, atât în lectură, cât și în scris sunt: Fantasy, supernatural and psychological horror, crime, S.F; printre autorii care și-au lăsat amprenta asupra mea, fiind și unii dintre scriitorii favoriți, se numără: Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle, Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, iar dintre cei autohtoni îi pot aminti pe: Mihai Eminescu, Emil Cioran, George Bacovia, Nichita Stănescu.
Pentru mine, scrisul reprezintă libertatea de a-mi așterne pe hârtie toate gândurile, emoțiile și dorințele, dând naștere unor lumi care să înglobeze toate aceste lucruri. În scrierile mele, că este vorba de poeme sau proză, caut să îmi disec demonii interior și să-i scot la lumină. În prezent nu am o activitate literară care să mă recomande, însă sper din tot sufletul că voi reuși să fac acest pas și că voi reuși să-mi văd publicate multe dintre propriile creații care vor urma. Mulțumesc tuturor care îmi vor fi alături în acest demers. Numai bine tuturor!