Ana Bazac

Fifty years since Guy Debord’s “La société du spectacle/The society of the spectacle”

by Ana Bazac What can one say by remembering Guy Debord’s book? Certainly: reminding the general historical context as well as the political appurtenance of the writer. But also the representativeness of the book and the necessity to go forward from it: because, really, to remain only, implicitly or explicitly, in the nostalgia occasioned by […]


by Ana Bazac A reassuring image/idea common people – and philosophers too – cherish is that if humans do not receive what they reasonably expect or need or if humans cannot be and act as they can (therefore, not according to some absurd desires), nevertheless they would receive something or would be something: the substituting […]


by Ana Bazac If I would dedicate this note to the upcoming Christmas, it would be simple bumkum: “holidays are always the occasion to show our compassion for the unfortunate, our goodwill, our charity, au fond our love for humans, are they?” And tear-exciting palaver about poor children and mothers finding their happiness (goods necessary for […]

Cleanness and the man-project

by Ana Bazac Between the everyday external goods man needs not only as a living being depending on the permanent exchange of matter and energy, but just in order to fulfill its specific function – the exercise of reason – according to Aristotle, there is one matter-of-course and which is so integrated in our routine […]

The regret

by Ana Bazac One of the most neglected concepts by philosophy was and is the regret. The reason is the huge content of personal responsibility towards the phenomena contemplated with sorrow. And for the regret is not only a sentiment of sadness related to what had happened – or could have happened but did not – […]


by Ana Bazac Times, and now the capitalist system crisis we live in, push to the prominence of some concepts instead of the former ones. As the crisis emphasizes contradictions and situations no one could conceive and believe before, common people – rather than the philosophers – arrive to feel as urgent concepts the intolerable, […]

Time of science, time of man

by Ana Bazac   I   One of the most frequent and, at the same time, dangerous epistemological faults of the contemporary thinkers – and indeed, only these ones are blind, since the former have only discovered the significances of time – is the homogenization of situations, images and concepts related to man. Philosophy works, […]

The right of the multitude (III): the right to construct alternatives

by Ana Bazac   I   Do people have nowadays the right to oppose, to protest? Not even this right, since not only some categories are forbidden to strike, to unionize, to protest, but – in fact, much more important – any protest has no longer real worth. Real opposition protests do not have power/real […]

The right of the multitude (II): the right to dissidence

by Ana Bazac     I   Actually, my paper related to the right of the multitude was motivated by the formidable event generated by Edward Snowden in the world politics. As we know, the mainstream ideology has focused on two arguments: that Edward Snowden would be a traitor and that he does not deserve […]

The right of the multitude (I): Citizenship and the right to asylum

by Ana Bazac   I   As we know, a citizen is a member of a certain (political) community. Just in virtue of this membership, the citizen is defended from the other (inimical laws, inimical communities). Obviously, not his unique individuality is defended, but his the quality of citizen: only this quality is considered valuable […]

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