Ana Bazac

Kant Polyptych

[anul Kant – eveniment publicistic] by Ana Bazac To the memory of my parents Contents Introduction   The precritical period (1745-1770): Kant’s journey, science and philosophy 2.1. In science, endeavour to detach from metaphysics, but…           2.2. From Kant’s traditional philosophical effort to its negation                         2.2.1. Questioning the traditional metaphysical approach: the world 2.2.2. […]

Kant and Enlightenment

by Ana Bazac The 18th century was not only that of Enlightenment. There were even ideas which opposed[1] to the message of progress through cultural development of the many – although “the many” were, at least for the German intellectuals, only townsmen, and rather propertied. But just because of the coexistence of adverse ideologies, we […]

A avea proprietatea cuvintelor şi democraţia

by Ana Bazac A avea proprietatea cuvintelor este și un semn de inteligență. Inteligența este capacitatea de a face legături, și este esențial să avem elementele (informații) între care să facem legături, dar este la fel de important modul de a exprima legăturile. Desigur, este adevărat că modul de utilizare a cuvintelor este judecat în funcţie […]

Science of ‘how’ and science of ‘what for’

by Ana Bazac It is more probable that the purpose of knowing how was anterior to knowing what. But would this conjecture be plausible when we all are used to consider that to know means to understand what is in front of us, therefore, the what of things? Well, first we should ask what knowing […]

What does to be radical mean?

[Alexander the Great and the Gordian knot model] by Ana Bazac Etymologically, to be radical means to go to the “root of the matter”, that “for man, … is man himself”[i]. But this simple explanation is inherently abstract, if it is not developed in its multi facets concreteness. *** One aspect of the radicalness of thinking […]

The haptic culture

by Ana Bazac The touch is one of the five (human) senses pointed out by Aristotle. Some neuroscientists consider it the most important because of its power to develop emotions and sociality[1], but in fact once existent it is not about the competition between vision and touch[2], but about their harmonious manifestation giving the whole perception […]


by Ana Bazac An important aspect of the human relationships and positions towards norms and even towards values is discipline or, better, the degree of discipline: and certainly, its feedbacks to relationships, norms and values. The pandemic has emphasised just the shortcomings of this necessary order in society and, more, of this accepted order.

Science as a factor of tradition and change: some methodological remarks

by Ana Bazac My first point is to show that, between the cultural traditions, there are not only particular/specific elements which would have forged and would forge the culture of a people, but also universal elements. These universal elements intertwine with the other ones, are transposing through the other ones: their translation through and by […]

Spațiul reformelor de modernizare: cazul Alexandru Ioan Cuza

de Ana Bazac 1) Spațiul – se referă aici la limite: cât se poate reforma/cât se putea reforma (de către Alexandru Ioan Cuza) 2) Reforma: etimologic = schimbarea formei/aducerea la o formă nouă (a tuturor lucrurilor); dar nu orice schimbare/înnoire este o reformă; definiția de lucru/eficientă propusă este: reforma este decizia politică de sus cu […]

Cine e dat jos de pe piedestal?

de Ana Bazac Metafora pe care am folosit-o în titlu – coborârea de pe piedestal – nu este legată defel de politică în mod vulgar, nu este vreo bucurie sarcastică în fața pierderilor și câștigurilor unor oameni politici mult depășiți de problemele reale; ci a pornit de la atitudinea actuală a societății față de medici/personalul […]

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