The legacy of the Tamancos

by Rubem Didini Filho

The Neanderthals, an extinct species of hominids, lived in Europe and parts of Asia approximately between 400,000 and 40,000 years ago. Their existence spanned a significant period of time before eventually becoming extinct. The Tamancos Neanderthals appeared to shed light on the world about the secrets of a civilization that lived with contradictions between good and evil, and that became extinct and intermixed with Homo Sapiens.

Millennia ago, in the lands of the Iberian Peninsula in what is now Portugal and Spain, there lived an extraordinary group of Neanderthals called the Tamancos these people were very different from what could be expected in their time. They had a rich culture and a complex, mathematical language, similar to that of the Vikings. Their lives were intertwined with the natural, organic world and they lived in harmony with each other. But beneath the surface of their seemingly perfect life, there was a darker side of black magic.

The Tamancos developed an advanced language that allowed them to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas using complex words and symbols combined with mathematics. They held a deep respect for the powers of nature, especially the moon and the sun, which they believed were divine beings guiding their lives. As well as fire, wind, water and earth, this was part of their calendar, traditions and as well the culture.

The Tamancoss preserved their families – for them the family nucleus was sacred, and they were careful not to establish romantic relationships with their own relatives. They were gatherers of nature and survived by hunting, picking vegetables and fruit and enjoying the earth’s bountiful offerings. After each endeavor to obtain food, they performed a small ritual of gratitude.

However, despite their peaceful relationship with nature, the Tamancos were extremely violent. When necessary, they resorted to aggression to protect what was important to them, without the slightest shame in killing their enemies in confrontation. In the harsh winters, for example, desperation sometimes led them to do savage things without keeping the values of their ancestors. When food was scarce due to the brutal winter cold, they resorted to cannibalism, capturing and consuming members of other tribes.

The Tamancos consumed a special mushroom known as the dragon mushroom before embarking on these brutal hunts. They saw themselves as mountain lions and howled and drooled non-stop. This substance provoked strange visions and fueled their ferocious behavior. The strategy was to provoke and ambush the neighboring tribes to come out of their caves and attack them. They would kill them and take their bodies back to their caves where they would be consumed roasted on fires. After their disturbing feasts, they would pay homage to their victims and relax by smoking a natural pipe filled with herbs from their region.

 As the years went by, the practice of cannibalism began to affect the Tamancos A terrible disease called Uri-lepraes began to spread in the tribe, caused by their cannibalistic practices. The prosperous tribes of the Tamancos began to fall ill and, unfortunately, their violent rituals accelerated the decline, decimating them.

In this sometimes bleak environment, the Tamancos managed to find moments of happiness, unity and joy. The summer solstice heralded the arrival of great festivities that echoed with the melodies of music sung to the sun, the instruments made from animal skin and bones. The tribe would gather under the vast sky, their faces adorned with pigments extracted from the earth. The music echoed through the valleys, a testimony to their culture of resilience and mystical and artistic spirit in worship of “Los the Sun”,  “Mos the Moon” and “Aros the summer”.

The various caves scattered throughout the geographical landscapes of Portugal and Spain offered sanctuary dwellings and walls as canvases for the cave art of the Tamancos On the walls in the depths of these caves, they inscribed their history through sophisticated and enigmatic paintings. These primitive artistic murals told stories of hunting, animals, ETs, wars, community gatherings and their deep connection with the natural world. The greatest proof: the caves themselves were silent witnesses to the rhythm of their lives, their cultures and customs.

In this sophisticated primitive society of tribes were the enigmatic figures known as the magical bisexual witches. Inhabiting various caves, these witches were held in high esteem as healers, seers and even providers of intimate companionship when they wanted it. They welcomed new life into the world and guided departing souls to the realm beyond. And before battles, the Tamancos would seek out their sources of wisdom and purveyors of advice in the hope of tipping the scales of fate in their favor on the field of war.

The power and influence of witches, however, was not without its dark aspects. They had the power to bless and curse, to heal and to harm. Using the secret knowledge of herbs and their rituals, they were as feared as they were respected, for the fine line between life and death was often at their fingertips with a deadly poison, a deadly tea, a scratch on the skin with fearful and deadly bacteria.

The tribe kept them as separate beings and faithfully paid them well with food, natural resources, animals, and everything that could pay for their services and kept them at a distance so that they wouldn’t contaminate the family rules. They fed on fresh blood straight from the animals’ carotid arteries and kept ravens fed on blood and magical herbs to control these birds. This power exercised over the ravens was a proof of marketing that terrified the tribes.

Over time, the number of Tamancos dwindled due to the disease caused by cannibalism. This once vibrant culture, rich in complexity and paradoxes, has faded into the shadows of history. The caves, once adorned with their vibrant works of art, fell silent with the death of most of the Neanderthals called Tamancos

The heritage and tradition of the Tamancos, despite being shrouded in a struggle for survival and much violence, continued to live on as legend among other peoples and in whispers carried by the winds that swept across the ancient lands. The story of a tribe that defied expectations, that danced between reverence, well-wishing and savagery, has remained etched in the annals of history, through accounts and cave paintings, a reminder that, even in the darkest corners of humanity’s past, there were complexities waiting to be discovered, lessons to be learned and revelations that would never truly disappear.

The fall and decline of the Tamancos was not just a story of tragedy; it was a cautionary tale about the delicate balance between humanity and nature, between unity and discord among beings. The existence of the Neanderthals called Tamancos transcended the limits of time, influencing those peoples who would come after. Scientific explorers, attracted by the ancient caves, were intrigued by the sophistication of the rock art that adorned the walls. They decided to decipher the meaning of the symbols and scenes left behind by a civilization that has long since disappeared, leaving a legacy for generations to come.

With this narrative, the influence of witches had a dark weight alongside their mystique. Their abilities had the potential to grant blessings or cast curses, to heal wounds or inflict damage. They were healers of good and evil, and became the masters of the lives and deaths of the Neanderthal tribes. Their profound knowledge of herbs and black magic rituals inspired both admiration and fear. For the line between life and death seemed fragile, often balanced precariously on the edge of their influence or the simple will of each of these witches to do evil…

As time passed, the Tamancos faced a dwindling population, with disease taking its final toll. The vibrant web of their culture, once a mixture of complexities and contradictions, gradually dissolved into small appeals and few voices. The caves that once shone with their vibrant activities now succumbed to a silent stillness frozen by time.

Endlessly, the cultural heritage of the Tamancos persisted, carried in whispers by the winds that swept across the millenary lands of the Iberian Peninsula. The narrative of a tribe that transcended expectations, oscillating between survival and extinction, remained engraved on the pages of the cave paintings… It was a reminder that, even in the shadows of humanity’s past, layers of narratives from the history of these peoples were waiting to be discovered, lessons that yearned to be absorbed and message that could never disappear without their secrets being unlocked.

The downfall of the Tamancos was not just a tale of woe; it served as a cautionary reminder of the delicate balance between humanity and the natural world, between everyday problems. The narratives of their existence extended beyond temporal boundaries, resonating with those who would inherit the world after the Neanderthals. Scientists, drawn to the ancient caves, pored over the enigmatic works of art that adorned the walls. Their mission was to unravel the meanings hidden in the cave paintings, the symbols and unique scenes left behind by a civilization that has long since disappeared.

After many years of study, the understanding of the life of the Tamancos has deepened, as has the recognition of their complex nature and indelible characteristics. They were no longer seen as mere savages driven only by violence. Instead, they emerged as a people who struggled with the unequal struggle for survival, against a backdrop of harsh, unforgiving landscapes and with few resources. The contrast between their reverence for the natural world and their capacity for brutality came to symbolize the many dimensions of human existence and the coexistence of opposite sexes and homosexuality in a very natural way without censure or hatred.

The study of the caves has revealed that, once silent spectators, they now harbor a legacy that is both astonishing and enlightening in the cave paintings on the stone walls. Scientists and archaeologists have approached the paintings with meticulous care, striving to decipher the stories hidden in them. The artworks have revealed rituals of cannibalism, warfare, animals, ETs, Los, the summer solstice festivities and the enigmatic presence of bisexual witches, and a surprising revelation that sex between homosexuals was practiced as between men and women, recorded in the cave paintings. Each brushstroke of pigment on those walls narrated a chapter in the history of the Tamancos, vividly illustrating their existence in a tribute to nature and their specific life.

The book of Tamancos history was not confined to caves or academic archives, but resonated in the very blood of those who came from the same lands as they confirmed the union between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals – Tamancos The contemporary inhabitants of Portugal and Spain, inspired by the tenacity of their ancient ancestors, have embraced a renewed connection with the Earth. They recognized the significance of balance, understanding that the delicate thread between survival and devastation required careful investigation via DNA. Today it has been proven that this link gave rise to a large part of the current population of the Iberian Peninsula.

The history and legacy of the Tamancos has thrived not only in the pages of history books, but also in the legacy of the culture, traditions and values of the current generation. The legacy of the past has served as a persistent reminder that the human journey is marked by an operation of brightness and darkness, which are common in civilizations. Understanding our past remains essential to understanding a clear future.

Meanwhile, as the sun dropped below the horizons of the ancient landscapes of Portugal and Spain, the lengthening penumbras intertwined with the muffled messages of the Tamancos, blending harmoniously with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant calls of wildlife. Their story, full of defiance, reverence, violence and fraternization, has continued to reverberate through the passage of time, inviting contemplation of the complex mosaic that comprises the trajectory of humanity.

Many generations have passed since the fading ghosts of the Tamancos’ presence faded into the pages of history. The once vibrant tribe had become nothing more than a distant memory, told around campfires to mesmerized audiences. But in the depths of the caves, the narratives remained engraved on the walls, patiently awaiting the curious eyes that would unravel their riddles.

Among those drawn to the enigma of the Tamancos was Dr. Nara Miriam Moreno, an archaeologist whose fervor lay in uncovering the hidden narratives of the past. Nara Miriam had dedicated her life to unearthing the enigmatic sites of the past made by ancient civilizations, and the story of the Tamancos called to her like haunting music. With a team of researchers, Nara Miriam embarked on an expedition to the caves of Portugal and Spain. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology and a deep reverence for history, they ventured into the dimly lit caves, with the Tamancos’ whimpering as their guide.

With great care, Nara Miriam’s team documented the rock paintings, a sophisticated work of art, uncovering a progressively clearer picture of the Tamancos’ existence. The drawings depicted on the walls revealed stories of ordinary days and extraordinary moments, offering glimpses into the depths of their culture. With each drawing discovered, the contrast between their deep respect for nature and the details that occasionally appeared in their path made the unique culture of these peoples even more palpable.

In one cave in particular, the team came across a mural showing a vibrant picture of a celebration of Los – the summer solstice. The Neanderthals swayed and twirled, playing songs with improvised instruments under the watchful gaze of the paintings of the moon and sun. The scene showed the happiness and unity of these tribes, a rejoicing in existence and the blessings that nature bestowed. Nara Miriam closed her eyes and could feel the distant drums, the music, the smiles, a declaration of love and a poignant testimony to the Tamancos’ intimate connection with the land.

In another cave, the paintings took on a different content. The walls bore witness to images depicting ferocious hunts, snapshots of assaults and even allusions to the cannibalistic rites that took place in the winters of hunger, fear and desperation. Nara Miriam’s heart grew heavy as she reflected on the rites of the Tamancos How could a people so attuned to the rhythms of the natural world also harbor such a dark side? Was it hunger? The despair of dying in winter?

As the expedition progressed, Nara Miriam’s research with the Tamancos turned into something very profound. She immersed herself in their advanced language, decoding the intricate symbols that adorn the walls and studying accounts closely with the stories known throughout the ages. She found herself not only drawn into her investigation of this history, but also intertwined with the reverberations of their trials and struggles, a challenge that also seemed to lie with her own personal journey and that of the peoples of the area.

One day, while sitting near the entrance to a cave, her fingers tracing the outline of a figure painted on a stone, Nara Miriam felt a presence behind her. Turning around, she met the gaze of an older man, his face etched with the marks of time and a glint of wisdom in his eyes. He introduced himself as Dagoberto de La Pena Laparosa, a local hermit storyteller, and proudly proclaimed his lineage as a descendant of the Tamancos and Homo Sapiens, for his physiognomy was grotesque with a large head and bones that protruded from under his eyes.

Dagoberto described stories, facts, songs, poetry and tales that had passed down through the generations, narratives that showed a more sophisticated and intricate panorama of the Tamancos’ legacy. He described how they struggled with their dual essence, the incessant pull between their reverence for the land and the shadows that had infiltrated their existence with the violence of cannibalism and other strange battle stories. He claimed that he was a descendant of the first love relationships between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens, because he had done DNA tests, and his genome that proved what he was saying.

The Tamancos were the very experience of contradictions. Dagoberto declares with a thoughtful tone:

“Their relationship with nature was not just a superficial admiration; it was deeply rooted in their very essence. But when brutal winters and famine ravaged everyone, they turned to acts that left their souls scarred.”

Nara Miriam leaned in, her interest piqued as Dagoberto’ words resonated within her. The legacies of the Tamancos were not just remote stories; they were reflections of the sophisticated weave that defines the essence of peoples and races. Dagoberto also described the stories of the bisexual witches, those who balanced on the fine line between life and death, and how their influence had marked the tribe’s path to good and evil.

After living together for several weeks, an unexpected bond grew between Nara Miriam and Dagoberto, and they became inseparable. In a four-handed effort, they put together the pieces of the puzzle of the Tamancos past, interweaving a narrative that brought both disturbing disasters and enlightening revelations. Through this work of mutual collaboration, the stories of the caves were unraveled one by one, they gained strength, and with each clarification the life and culture of the Tamancos was documented for posterity.

In this way, the modern descendants of the Tamancos found themselves at a crucial moment. And the discovery of a young masculine mummy preserved in balsam and tree leaves. It made it possible for DNA to be taken to a laboratory in Madrid to be genome mapped and compared with existing examples.

The narrative of so many misfortunes against a backdrop of darkness also presented threads of light that, over the course of the studies, also showed the good side of this civilization. The complexity of the inheritance was present in the chronicles of the ancestors, who now invited their heirs to embark on this journey towards reconciliation and recognition of this exotic lineage between ancient races with deep links to nature, which described the Tamancos

Now the once silent region and caves have become a pilgrimage destination for those seeking to decipher the history of Tamancos Tourists, scholars and the curious have ventured into the depths, each bringing their own unique perspective to unravel the narrative of the Tamancos The paintings on the walls, long hidden in the shadows, now glowed under the light of the torches wielded by those eager to establish a connection with the ancient tribe.

What began with Nara Miriam’s expedition had now grown into a movement, a celebration of the sophisticated legacy of the people’s past. Through her tireless research and shared efforts, the echoes of the Tamancos had transcended time, touching not only the lives of those who had come before, but also resonating in the lives of contemporary individuals, in an opera of encounter between generations.

Sometimes Nara Miriam would stop in front of the cave paintings, objects and mummy and evoke a deep sense of gratitude for being there and for venturing out in search of true history.

For her, the Tamancos had given her more than just a historical enigma; they had presented her with a profound vision of the spectrum of the human journey. Revealing this trajectory of the history of a people who lived with the dark side and the side of enlightenment, and the perpetual search for the balance that only nature can offer.

As her thoughts wandered, Nara Miriam imagined sub-linear messages being sent, details of days gone by, and the present moment and an unwritten future. Once shrouded in mystery, their history now illuminated a path towards harmonious cohabitation through the understanding of other civilized peoples about the Tamancos In this situation, the complexities of human nature were not only embraced but also deeply understood, with the lessons of yesteryear resonating down the generations, as each people has its own traditions, customs and culture.

Nara Miriam’s partnership with Dagoberto had blossomed beyond the confines of the cave. Their joint efforts encompassed workshops, lectures and exhibitions, an open invitation to people from all walks of life to get involved in the Tamancos narrative, which had become a source of inspiration for artists, writers and musicians, each interpreting the chronicle through their own distinct artistic lens, consolidating the legacy of that race.

Nara Miriam and Dagoberto decided to hold a big event to celebrate the summer solstice called: “Los – The sun”. It would be a great celebration in honor of the Tamancos

An invitation to people from distant lands, gathered under the sacred mantle of the Sun, with performances, theater, music, dance, food and drink. These guests should bring with them stories of their own heritage, struggles and victories to share with all the festival participants.

The waves of the Tamancos’ existence were present in the very atmosphere, as if the spirits of the ancient tribe were present, harmonizing with the festivities and the reigning happiness.

Under the vast blue sky, dancers and the general public swayed to the beat of the drums, their movements mirroring the duality inherent in the Tamancos’ journey. The music that filled the air was a fusion of time-honored melodies and contemporary harmonies, a testimony to the timeless continuity of human expression.

At nightfall, several bonfires were lit in the center of the meeting, and Nara Miriam and Dagoberto addressed the crowd with a presentation on what they had discovered about this civilization and its legacy.

“This story of the Tamancos is not just a tale from the past,” said Nara Miriam. “It’s a mirror through which we can reflect on our own journey. We too navigate the delicate dance between our inherent connection to the land and the shadows that test our spirit. Their story reminds us that understanding and embracing our complexities is the key to a harmonious future for today’s peoples.”

Dagoberto added his voice to Nara Miriam’s, telling the stories he had inherited from his ancestors. He spoke of their reverence for the Moon and the Sun, how they believed that these celestial bodies were lights that guided the vast trajectory of existence. She shared the wisdom of the bisexual witches, the healers who embodied creation and destruction, life and death.

As the night progressed, the flames of the bonfire danced to the rhythm of the music and the stories. People from different backgrounds and cultures mingled, sharing their own interpretations of the legacy of the Tamancos The messages from the past ignited a collective consciousness; in recognition that humanity’s journey was one of unity in diversity.

They were applauded and the party went on until dawn with drinks, food and lots of wild mushroom tea from the region, it is not known for sure but it is assumed that many went on hallucinogenic journeys in tribal costumes.

Nara Miriam and Dagoberto attended the celebration, their hearts filled with a sense of achievement because the Tamancos’ story had transcended the boundaries of time, unleashing a movement that embraced the complexity of the human experience. It was a testament to the power of understanding, compassion and legacy that unite people across generations.

The persistent sounds of the Tamancos’ rhythms had definitely found a new home in the hearts of those gathered there. They knew the journey was still long, but the way was lit by the stories of a tribe that had surpassed all expectations, leaving a legacy that would echo for generations to come

They were covered by the mantle of the moon and the sparkling starry sky, the echoes of the Tamancos intertwined with the here and now, forming a scene with threads of respect, shadows, unity and balance. As the festivities continued, the lines between the moments transcended the past and the present, communards danced together in unity, reminding everyone present that the human narrative is characterized by complexity, development and the eternal search for understanding.

Time has passed and the legacy of the Tamancos has continued to evolve, with annual meetings and festivities inspired by their saga becoming a fixture in the Galician calendar, attracting people from all corners of the world. The caves that once guarded their history are now a tribute to the strength of their ties, both to history and to each other, and are listed as part of the region’s historical heritage.

Nara Miriam and Dagoberto’ partnership flourished and, together, they laid the foundations for the TLF – Tamanco Legacy Foundation. The foundation’s mission was to promote empathy, unity and discernment by delving into the narratives of ancient civilizations and integrating them into contemporary challenges. Through educational initiatives, exhibitions and research grants, its aim was to bridge the gap between past eras and the present, cultivating a common sense of humanity. For in order to know the present, we must know the past.

At a certain time of the year, October, the foundation organized a meeting that brought together a diverse mix of historians, scientists, artists and thinkers. This event took place in the heart of historic landscapes, evoking the very surroundings where the Tamancos once flourished. Over the course of several days, participants immersed themselves in conversations about the intricate tapestry of human history, the wisdom drawn from the Tamancos’ experience and the potential for a more harmonious tomorrow. For the pursuit of harmony and happiness are global values for all peoples. In front of the attentive crowd, Nara Miriam’s voice carried the weight of the Tamancos’ lasting influence: “Our quest to understand the Tamancos has shown us that history is not a stagnant tale; it is a living force that shapes our perspectives, choices and actions. The story of their existence reminds us of our interconnectedness, where the struggles and triumphs of yesteryear echo in our present.”

Dagoberto has become a respected elder, sharing story of his conversations with Nara Miriam and the knowledge they had discovered through their partnership. He emphasized the importance of confronting the shadows of our history, acknowledging that true growth comes from this recognition. “The Tamancos illuminate the fragility of the balance between light and darkness,” he said. “We must necessarily understand this balance so that we can navigate our journey forward.”

The symposium acted as a catalyst for the transformation of the people in this region. Participants left with a renewed dedication to understanding the complexities of history and addressing today’s urgent challenges. The trajectory of the Tamancos sparked a transformative spark, with their legacy guiding those who strive for a world defined by compassion and harmony.

The years passed, and the Tamancos’ narrative expanded even further. Books were written, documentaries were created, and artistic installations were formed, each capturing the essence of their story in unique expressions. These narratives resonated in classrooms, inspiring educators to integrate the legacy of the Tamancos into their teachings, encouraging students to reflect on the complexities of human history and their role in shaping the future of this sophisticated tribe.

As time passed, the story of the Tamancos continued to evolve – a testament to the enduring power of human bonds. Unfortunately, Nara Nara Miriam and Dagoberto passed away, their impacts intertwined with the foundations they had lain. However, the echoes persisted, carried by the winds, tales, and hearts of those who embraced the lessons of the past.

In this world where the past and present walk hand in hand, the story of the Tamancos served as a reminder that each era had its complexities, its shadows, and it’s light. The ancient Neanderthals left a legacy that transcended time, challenging humanity to grapple with its own dual nature and strive for balance, unity, and empathy.

As symposium participants dispersed, each carrying a fragment of the Tamancos’ legacy, their gaze turned towards the future, reigniting hope. The echoes of times past had evolved into a beacon, illuminating the path to a world where the wisdom of history resonated, and the echoes of empathy reverberated in every corner of the globe.

As time advanced, the TLF – Tamancos Legacy Foundation thrived and expanded beyond its modest beginnings, evolving into a global hub for exploration, learning, and collaboration. Scholars, researchers, and artists from around the world flocked to the foundation’s headquarters, eager to contribute to the understanding of humanity’s intricate past.

The foundation’s museum was a testament to the power of storytelling. Through carefully curate exhibitions, visitors were transported back in time to the landscapes once traversed by the Tamancos All materials were digitized to enhance comprehension: paintings, artifacts transitioned into multimedia presentations, bringing their narrative to life, inviting visitors to delve into the intricacies of the tribe’s existence.

Among many exhibitions, one in particular was dedicated to the Tamancos’ language – a sophisticated means of communication bridging their reverence for nature and the issues that had touched their lives. Interactive exhibits allowed visitors to interact with symbols and words, offering glimpses into the thoughts and emotions that shaped the world of the Tamancos

In another section of the museum, a 3D replica of the summer solstice celebration unfolded. Realistic Neanderthal tribe members danced and played instruments under a backdrop mimicking the night sky. The music, a fusion of ancient melodies and modern compositions, filled the air, reminding visitors of the timeless connection between humanity and the cosmos united in the concept of life.

Gradually, the foundation’s influence extended far beyond its physical boundaries. Through agreements and collaborations with educational institutions, online platforms, and cultural exchanges, the Tamancos’ story reached individuals from all corners with a deeper understanding of the complexities that define this narrative of the human race through various ancient lineages.

The Annual Tamancos Festival flourished into a global attraction, drawing people from all corners of the Earth. Musicians, artists, scholars, and families came together to honor the spirit of unity and diversity that the Tamancos had come to symbolize. The festival remained a testament to the power of art, music, and storytelling in forging connections and overcoming cultural divides, primarily attracting the youth.

In this vibrant celebration, Nara Miriam’s granddaughter, Sara Madalena, stood at the forefront of the main stage. She had been raised on her grandmother’s stories about the Tamancos, which contributed to her having a different perspective of the world. As a young woman inspired by history and committed to social transformation, Sara Madalena played a significant role in the festival’s success.

Sara Madalena had a profound sense of purpose and assumed the role of curator at the TLF – Tamancos Legacy Foundation, entrusted with the important task of safeguarding its narrative, guiding its evolution, and preserving her grandmother’s legacy. She recognized the deep importance of weaving echoes from the past into the tapestry of the present and encouraging access to this culture for the less privileged.

Guided by her grandmother’s wisdom, Sara Madalena expanded the foundation’s reach, establishing partnerships with indigenous communities, marginalized groups, and scholars from unconventional backgrounds. She understood the transformative potential of peoples from the past in catalyzing change in the present, building bridges to deeper understanding and nurturing a sense of interconnection for the future.

As the Tamancos’ narrative flowed over the years, the foundation embarked on an innovative venture. In collaboration with cutting-edge scientists and technologists, they created an immersive virtual reality experience that allowed visitors to step into the world of the Tamancos Using this state-of-the-art technology, people could witness their daily lives, explore their landscapes, and even participate in their language and rituals.

Naturally, the encounter with virtual reality brought together the past and the present, inviting visitors to inhabit the culture of the Tamancos Audiences from different cultures and backgrounds used virtual reality goggles, personally confronting the complexities of their existence. This initiative sparked dialogues about empathy, history and the potential of technology to reshape our understanding of the human saga in a very unequal world.

The Tamancos’ legacy has continued to grow and unfold, transcending temporal and spatial boundaries. Their culture, once confined to the walls of ancient caves, evolved into a beacon that radiated understanding of this peculiar race.

The foundation helped reshape the way people engaged with history, highlighting the interconnectedness of humanity and the power of embracing our complexities shaped by nature.

Sara Madalena watched the crowds, imagining each individual carrying a fragment of the history of the Tamancos and Homo Sapiens. Certainly, the legacy had gone far beyond her grandmother’s dreams, becoming a global movement that celebrates one of the matrices of human history and the potential for positive transformation.

Sara Madalena and everyone who took part in this project felt a deep sense of gratitude because Tamancos’ story had not only transformed their own journey, but had lit a transformative spark in countless other people – understanding the past for a better future.

The legacy of the Tamancos

6 thoughts on “The legacy of the Tamancos

  1. I loved the narrative.
    I boarded it and found myself among the clogs and then among the archaeological discoveries!
    That’s a starting compliment for a film script.
    Congratulations on reading other texts by this author!

  2. Congratulations for the article!!
    Never heard about the Tamancos before and it was great to know about them.

  3. Superb! The Tamancos’ narrative brought together the past and the present. This is the key. A pleasant read that relaxes our mind with an engaging narrative from start to finish. This is the type of reading that is sorely missed these days. I want to read more because if the introduction was like this, I can’t wait to read the entire book. Congratulations to the author and congratulations to Egophobia for giving me this moment!

  4. Rubem Didini’s remarkable skills as a writer of articles, combined with his aspirations as a novelist, showcases his ability to navigate between different styles of writing. While he has demonstrated a strong presence in the realm of non-fiction articles, Didini’s ambitions as a novelist reveal a promising journey in the world of fiction.

    In his articles, Didini excels at presenting readers with intriguing facts and information, making even the most complex subjects accessible and engaging. His capacity to educate and entertain simultaneously is a statement to his talent as a writer. Moreover, his transition from the world of non-fiction to the realm of fiction underscores his remarkable adaptability of his literary skill set. It’s clear that Rubem Didini’s ability to effortlessly switch between different styles of writing is a testament to his exceptional talent, making him a versatile and promising author on the cusp of a successful career in both article writing and novel crafting.

  5. I was delighted to read this interesting article, remounting ancient era, where almost no one shared such amount of information full of myriad of details.
    The author/researcher presents us a vision of how the first human beings stepped the face of the earth and developed different forms of relationship with.
    My mind started to process all this knowledge brought, probably, by anthropologists, scientists, and so many more observers and those who contributed to bring to today a remote glimpse of how life was lived in its early beginnings.

    Also, been born and raised as part of the Jewish/Christian civilization, I couldn’t avoid comparing this presentation of human life in its early stages, with the one proposed in the creation of the world by the sacred Bible, the Genesis.

    It brought me so many questions about existence, purpose of life, inner nature of the human beings and its relationship with God and others.

    We tend to think that the man created by God was a full developed Homo sapiens, denying any other forms of inferior types of hominids, like the Tamancos.
    Was the first man in the form that we know today and then regressed and became less after the Fall?
    This article lifts the veil on many questions that only inquisitive minds allow themselves to ask.
    It really is an amazing journey across the centuries.

  6. Amazing article about the Tamancos, I’m an enthusiast of the history and cultural and social evolution of humanity, and I had never heard of them. Without a doubt, I will read more about the society so advanced for its time.

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