Ana Bazac

Short term logic, long and large term logic: the human rationality and telos

by Ana Bazac  I As it is known, the scientists have distinguished the types of human rationality – practical, theoretical, formal and substantive, said Max Weber[1] – as well as the pattern of the human rationality: to always correlate the means and the end of an action and to make this correlation in the frame of/according […]

Trecerea sub tăcere și instituțiile negative: o introducere

de Ana Bazac În loc de captatio benevolentiae: antropologie și fenomenologie Sub o întrebare filosofică (diferența dintre antropologie și fenomenologie) ce, pentru un non-antropolog, pare necesară, se prezintă doar o schiță a unui fenomen suficient de răspândit pentru a fi cercetat: antropologic și, deci, multi și interdisciplinar. Într-adevăr, dacă – plecând de la vechile direcții […]

The human being, the image of its socially induced immitigable destiny and the “yellow vests”

by Ana Bazac Yes, when we are tempted to chitchatting about how clumsy are some people who cry “we can no longer stand all of that”, we should think of our “humanism” cherishing the Man. But if we chatter “in a humanistic mood”, it means that we are comfortable doing this and, in our blindness framed […]

Requiem for a failed referendum: still philosophy

by Ana Bazac I wrote a paper – The breaking importance of the Romanian referendum for the traditional family: philosophical arguments –. The liberals who read it were disturbed by the arguments I advanced for the referendum and tried to counter them with the usual reference to the human rights and the discriminations towards LGBTI.

The breaking importance of the Romanian referendum for the traditional family: philosophical arguments

by Ana Bazac First, the referendum as such – around the recommended change in the Constitution that the marriage be considered a freely consented union between a man and a woman, and not between spouses as it was the formula until now – and its stake, the traditional family, namely formed, as basis, by a […]

The Priority

by Ana Bazac The idea of priority denotes a definite subjective origin of decisions and attitudes leading to new facts: which, first of all, are accomplished by humans. In other words, the feature of something to being a priority may never be confused with an objective and impersonal element or characteristic of reality. On the […]


by Ana Bazac As we know, the historically determined society based on power relations – i.e. of domination-submission, first of all on economical level – has functioned only with all the types of constraints on the majority of population, the ruled.  This means that rarity, the main ontological factor of the constitution of the human […]

“Marx” as paradigm

by Ana Bazac  Introduction in the “Marx” paradigm   “Marx” – like the Kantian Idea with regulatory function[1] – means here also Engels, as well as Lenin; and all the Marxist thinkers who, even developing rather fragments/aspects of the Marxist paradigm, have showed its integral constitution. “Marx” is not any leftist conception, neither called by the […]

The critique of the consumer society

by Ana Bazac At least from three decades we always hear critiques of the consumer society when the thinkers try either to show themselves as “modern”, dynamical, reformists or as “modern”, dynamical, defenders of the conservative values. Especially nowadays, a personage has no prestige if he/she does not tackle the problems in a critical manner[1]. But, […]

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