Alina-Olimpia Miron

Wedding Photos

by Răzvan Petrescu [Romania]  translation from Romanian by Pat Earnshaw & Alina-Olimpia Miron [MTTLC student]  pentru versiunea română click aici  Exactly two weeks before my wedding day, my upstairs neighbour forgot to turn off his kitchen tap. He left it running and everything underneath it was flooded. A large abstract design of  greenish hue appeared […]


by Alexandru Potcoavă [Romania] translated from Romanian by Graham Mummery & Alina-Olimpia Miron [MTTLC student]   “How’s my darling wife?” Colonel Petrescu’s vodka-soaked voice roared from the hallway. “I’m good, of course!” replied the lady-colonel from the living-room, in an irritated tone, while perusing a Soviet fashion magazine. “Finished the application?” “Finished for the day!“ […]

O istorie a evoluţiei maşinii cu aburi [II]

de Robert Henry Thurston traducere de Alina-Olimpia Miron [citiţi şi partea I ] [the original English version, published by D. Appletone and Company, New York, 1897, is available on google books] Francezii deveneau din ce în ce mai interesaţi de domeniul mecanicii şi al ştiinţelor înrudite; astfel, filozofii şi literaţii nativi, pe lângă străinii aduşi […]

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