Kenneth M. Kapp

Yehuda Yannay: O călătorie de o viață

In Memoriam de Kenneth M. Kapp traducere de Maria Giurgiu read here the original English version Yehuda Yannay a fost un compozitor, dirijor, interpret și artist mutimedia. S-a născut la data de 26 mai 1937 în Timișoara. În mod miraculos, el și membrii de familie apropiați, evrei vorbitori de limba maghiară, au supraviețuit în urma războiului. […]

Yehuda Yannay – A Journey of a Lifetime

*  In Memoria * by Kenneth M. Kapp versiunea română poate fi citită aici             Yehuda Yannay was a composer, conductor, performer, and a multimedia artist. He was born on May 26, 1937 in Timișoara, Romania. Miraculously, he and his immediate family, Hungarian speaking Jews, survived the war. However, living conditions became dire with increasing antisemitism and […]

A Reluctant Return

by Kenneth M. Kapp 2022 In 2009 I accompanied Talbert Tutlinger to Vienna where he spent his formative years. Dr. Professor Tutlinger was a well- known famous philosopher. He often acknowledged that I was his good friend and amanuensis. We were more than that but in some circles, discretion was indeed the better part of […]

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