from atheism to agnosticism and back

The Policeman as a Priest

[Daniel Sur, God’s Policeman, Ideea Europeană, Bucharest, 2012] (from atheism to agnosticism and back) [V] by Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by Raisa Lambru [MTTLC student]   click aici pentru versiunea română “Come on, take the money or else I’m putting you behind the bars.” The child replies to me: “Are you a cop? Then […]

The Fresh Eyes of the First Antichristian

(from atheism to agnosticism and back) [IV] by Ştefan Bolea click aici pentru versiunea română   “I want to die in a tavern, where wine is close to the mouth of the dying man.” (Carmina burana)   I bought Minois’s newly translated book into English for my birthday: Georges Minois, The Atheist’s Bible: The Most […]

Observation, 13.

(from atheism to agnosticism and back) [III] invited contribution by Patrick Călinescu edited by Nigel Walker followed by a comment by Ştefan Bolea   click aici pentru versiunea română   I don’t believe in God. I have no faith in the divine. However, I can’t label myself as an atheist, either. That would be too […]

The will to believe is not a will for the truth

(from atheism to agnosticism and back) [II] [Francis S. Collins, The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, translation by Silvia Palade, Curtea Veche, 2009] by Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by Alina-Olimpia Miron   click aici pentru versiunea română   Collins’ approach is circular (A => B, B => A) and can […]

Don’t be a Taliban [en]

(from atheism to agnosticism and back) [I] [Alister McGrath şi Joanna Collicutt McGrath, The Dawkins Delusion?: Atheist Fundamentalism and the Denial of the Divine, translation by Mihnea Gafiţa, Curtea Veche, Bucureşti, 2010.] by Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by: Iris Butnariu [MTTLC student] click aici pentru versiunea română   1. Denouncing the belief as delusion […]

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