Robert Fenhagen


by Fabian Anton (Romania) Translation from Romanian by Laura Badea, MTTLC student re-write by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici  Like any cool story, it started off with something silly—even stupid. It had been evening, around eleven p.m., and I’d spotted Dia, and her crew of nutters, but didn’t want to have anything to […]

The Mansion

 by Adrian Ioniţă  (USA) Translation from Romanian by Doris Plantus-Runey and Valentina Tache re-write by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici   The intense focus of his eyes reflects the concentration of the man writing about a deserted nineteenth century mansion. A seemingly obscure subject, it has captured his interest to the degree that allows his mind […]


de Robert  Fenhagen (USA) Traducere: Mona Miruna Pinţă, masterand MTTLC for the English version, click here   Avea să fie o nouă zi fierbinte în Florida – lentă şi senzuală. Era iunie şi tuturor le era cald şi foame. Puiul de pasăre se rostogoli din cuib şi căzu la pământ ca o piatră. Înălţimea era mică, aşa că nu […]


 by Bob Fenhagen (USA) pentru versiunea română click aici   It was going to be another hot day in Florida– sluggish and sensual.  It was June and creatures were hot and hungry.                                                                   The baby bird flopped out of the nest and fell to the ground like a stone, but had only fallen a few feet […]

White Cigars

  by Adrian Ioniţă (USA) Translation from Romanian by Martin Potter and Mirona Palas re-write by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici    How and why did I come to work for you at the end of your life? Why you come to visit me after a performance was once food for gossip, but has […]


  de Robert Fenhagen [USA]  traducere din engleză de Manuela Cazan  for the English version, click here Statuia numărul unu. – La mine te uiţi? Am privit în jur să mă asigur că nu se uita nimeni. N-am spus nimic. – Am spus, „la mine te uiţi?” Din nou, m-am uitat în jur încercând să identific sursa acestei […]

Editorial Note [2]

By Adrian Ioniţă (USA) Our inaugural  issue  of the Short Story section of EgoPHobia (#22) was followed by a wave of submissions, and  we had a hard time to review and  take under  consideration all of them. This was the reason why, regarding our decision to approve their stories, with few exceptions, many writers did not […]


  by Robert Fenhagen (USA) for the Romanian version, click here “Sergeant, I truly am most apologetic; I must have been sleep-walking, or something.  I assure you, nothing like this will ever happen again.  Ever.  Alright, I will tell you what happened as best I can…., excuse me as I mimic the voices:    “Are […]

Beautiful People

by Robert Fenhagen (USA)   “How does it feel to be one of the beautiful people?” Thinking back, and remembering the Beatles’ song from back in the day, was one of the ways that he spent his endless hours, playing it over and over again in his mind as he wandered the filthy streets of […]

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