Serial killers for Christmas
by Daniel de Culla Let You give blood sausage World Peace Serial Killers And if it’s from Burgos, from the Ribera, nice¡ Your eyes that were baptized without a doubt
e-revista EgoPHobia - ISSN 1584-6210
by Daniel de Culla Let You give blood sausage World Peace Serial Killers And if it’s from Burgos, from the Ribera, nice¡ Your eyes that were baptized without a doubt
(pricinaşul de serviciu) de Radu-Ilarion Munteanu Cuvântul „beizadea” a pătruns în limba română din turcescul beyzade, fiu de prinţ. Definea, în epocă, pe fiii domnitorilor Principatelor. În literatura istorică, apare în romanul Zodia cancerului, sau vremea Ducăi Vodă, de Mihail Sadoveanu, publicat pentru prima dată în 1929. Unul din personajele principale e beizadea Alecu Ruset, […]
by Otilia Cazimir translated by Ștefan Bolea You have deceitful, black and evil eyes Dead water wells which hide Black eyeballs flickering in the back Enticing me toward the depths like your eyes.
by Mihai Eminescu translated by Ștefan Bolea What a strange dream I’ve had, but dreams Are fabrications of the sleep: The night’s mind makes them up, And they’re told by the black mouths of the night.
The Walking Wounded I see us everywhere anymore, at the supermarket or the mall,
de Doru Chirodea Două babe în tramvai – Ioi, tu Jadranka, vezi tu, aici în Temeşvar, aici la Elisabetin, atâta frumos era odat. Tot casele vopsiţi nou, tot curǎţit szeip şi fekete la trotoar ! Nu era aci, nici ţigan, nici român nu era, numa câţiva slugi sârbi ca tine era. Ioi tu, acuma uitǎ-te […]
The pattern of each dazzling pyramid-poem according to Mr. Paweł Markiewicz
by Rus Khomutoff
Being Being is. Being is in-itself. Being is what it is. | Jean-Paul Sartre Inhaling the last breath of the day’s dwindling hours, an aging man’s
*** You were not born yet, so sleep. You will be lulled by the winds of wandering on the rocks of the future.