poeme de Livia Creț
(debut) #1 Rats and poisonous snakes Glorious Days of misconduct
e-revista EgoPHobia - ISSN 1584-6210
(debut) #1 Rats and poisonous snakes Glorious Days of misconduct
[debut] THEMigod Thrown away Thrown away in a mold of unattainable aspirations And left there Rotting – Decomposing gruesomely as nonfulfillment putrefies my brain And I am
debut de Ana Constantin Am crezut că am văzut pământ și soare și foc Într-o singură ființă, atunci când teiul începuse să se usuce, În pustia noapte cu cioburi de urzici și plante, Când jalnica existență a copacului vieții se spulberase Din cauza unui fir de iarbă.
Debut by Mario Șerban Characters: SISYPHUS TANTALUS (Sisyphus sits on a stone block beside a stream. He glances over it, spotting a strange figure on the opposite shore) SISYPHUS(Elated): Hello over there, my fellow friend! May I help you? TANTALUS: Greetings camarade! I am looking for a stone.
debut by Mario Șerban Is it moral to be a criminal? Is a crime to be moral? What is a crime? What is objective morality? Disregarding the laws and rules of a mere society with blindful desires, I would like to continue by asking something else. If tomorrow all governments collapse and all kind of […]