Gheorghe Recheşan

The Contest

 by Gheorghe Rechesan translated from Romanian by Melissa Silva and Loredana Adriana Malic pentru versiunea română click aici     We are like roses that have never bothered to   bloom when we should have bloomed and   it is as if   the sun has become disgusted with   waiting  [Charles Bukowski, Finish]     […]


  de Gheorghe Rechesan  [România] for the English version please click here     “We are like roses that have never bothered to bloom when we should have bloomed and it is as if the sun has become disgusted with waiting” [ Charles Bukowski- Finish ]     Dimineaţa cenuşie de iarnă, îmbibată de apă ca […]

Golden Retriever

by Gheorghe Recheşan [România] translated from Romanian by: A C Clarke & Alexandra Sârbu pentru versiunea română click aici   1. The frayed pale-grey rope was wet. It had been raining almost all night and the fibres were wet through. Drops of dirty water were trickling from the dog’s yellow-grey fur, a shaggy dog as […]

Golden Retriever

de Gheorghe Recheşan [România] for the English version click here   1. Frînghia scămoşată, de un cenuşiu palid, era udă. Plouase aproape toată noaptea şi cîlţii se îmbibaseră cu umezeală. Picuri murdari se scurgeau şi din blana galben-cenuşie a cîinelui, un dulău flocos ca o oaie. Se legăna, înţepenit la capătul funiei, îmbrîncit de rafalele […]

Antineea şi norii

de Gheorghe Recheşan [România] [Finalist al competitiei HBO-Tiff, 2010] for the English version please click here     Atunci cînd am cunoscut-o pe Antineea, trecuse mai bine de un an de cînd devenise meteosensibilă. Cred că din această cauză se apucase să picteze exclusiv peisaje mohorîte sub ceruri joase, apăsătoare, umbrite de nori întunecaţi de furtună. […]

Antineea and the Clouds

by Gheorghe Recheşan [Romania] Finalist of the HBO-Tiff 2010 Competition Translation from Romanian by Wendy Stein and Alina-Olimpia Miron, MTTLC student editing by Michael Graeme [UK] pentru versiunea română click aici   Antineea had been weather-sensitive, for more than a year when I met her.  I believe that was why she had taken up painting […]

Iepurele lui Flaubert

de  Gheorghe Recheşan [România] [Finalist al competitiei HBO-Tiff 2010] for the English version, click here   Flaubert avea un iepure. De fapt o iepuroaică nubilă, cu blana pufoasă, de nuanta scortisoarei genuine, ceyloneze. Măturin, băiatul grădinarului, care-i plivea morcovii, o botezase Emma, cu doi de „M”. O privea cu jind, în timp ce-i îndesa sub boticul […]

Flaubert’s Hare

by Gheorghe Recheşan [Romania] translation from Romanian by Dorina Burcea [MTTLC student]  pentru versiunea română click aici  Flaubert had a hare. Actually, she was a nubile doe with downy fur resembling the hue of a genuine Ceylonese cinnamon. Maturin, the gardener’s son who’s  weeding out the carrot field, had nicknamed her Emma – with two M’s. […]

Guido’s Island

by Gheorghe Recheşan Finalist of the HBO-Tiff 2010 Competition Translation from Romanian by Adrian Ioniţă and Alina Blănaru, MTTLC student pentru versiunea română click aici   Every time I rode my bike on that peaceful street, the houses sheltered by the chestnut-trees with whitewashed stocks would align themselves quietly along the sidewalk and I would see […]

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