
poeme de Maggie Harris

(egoRainbow) traducere & prezentare: Monica Manolachi Maggie Harris este o poetă, prozatoare și artistă vizuală britanică născută în 1954 în Guyana. După moartea prematură a tatălui, a migrat cu mama și cu surorile ei mai mici în Anglia în 1971. La maturitate, a urmat studii de licență și de masterat la Universitatea din Kent și […]

“It gives me so much joy to translate poetry”

[interview with Monica Manolachi] by Ines Vig How do you perceive the role and significance of working as a literary translator in your career? I have translated literature ever since I graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Bucharest, almost two decades ago. It has shaped me both as a researcher […]

The Day I Remembered My Soul

by Nolo Segundo When I was 24, I killed myself. I put it that bluntly because it was not an attempted suicide, a cry for help, but a decision to self-murder. Yes, it was a desperate act, a last attempt to escape what my mind feared as lifetime imprisonment in a mental asylum [they still […]

The Rascal King and Cai the Bunny

[A Tale] by Daniel de Culla           This Rascal King was a king highly esteemed and admired by his people:           Women admired him because he left every female who danced with him pregnant. As it could not be otherwise, to the woman who was flirting with him, he said:

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