
Virtutea egoismului

[pricinaşul de serviciu] Se dedică acest eseu lui Emil Lungeanu de Radu-Ilarion Munteanu Scriitoarea americană Ayn Rand s-a născut ca Alisa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, în 1905, la Sankt Petersburg, Rusia, într-o familie burgeză. Farmacia tatălui său a fost confiscată de puterea bolșevică instalată din toamna lui 1917. A studiat istoria la Universitatea de Stat din orașul […]

Nina Haagen’s Carnivore Couture

by Bart Plantenga Years before Lady Gaga wore her scandalous meat dress to the 2010 MTV Awards there was Bart Plantenga’s 1990s story “Nina Haagen’s Carnivore Couture.” It details an outrageous evening at a Lower Eastside club [was it Club 57?] where an MC-dominatrix named Blossom Deerie presented the evening’s “Carnivore Couture” fashion show by […]

Winter Sports

by Stephanie V. Sears           One usually looks back on one’s formative years with acquired maturity and a critical eye. Alas, in my case, I observe a happy and unabated continuation of the very same foolish impulses and behavior, fraught with a recklessness that I indulgently refer to as joie de […]

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