poem by Sharon Berg
Making Muffins I am making muffins, substituting some of the ingredients
e-revista EgoPHobia - ISSN 1584-6210
Making Muffins I am making muffins, substituting some of the ingredients
by Douglas Young When Marcellus Stovall got to a good stopping place, he sighed, saw it was already well after 5, and decided it was time to leave the university library. The firm did not pay him overtime and the place would close soon anyway since it was Friday. So he got up from […]
poems about nothing bits of flesh scattered all over a window
[fragment] by Mike Amnasan Now that I’m seventy-three I can tell you about the life of a failed writer. This is something no one is likely to have read or will read. A successful writer would not be able to write this. His experience would be very different. Repeated rejection has taken a toll on my […]
de Doru Chirodea Eram la o narghilea cu hașiș la o cafenea pour les connaisseurs în Istanbul și-mi veni o idee. Și întind harta Turciei pe masă și le zic, vedeți Marea Marmara, e un fel de mic lac al lu pește, uite dacă plecăm dimineața de la hotel, merem de-a roata, înconjurăm marea și […]
Yes, Mother, you are right You were right, Mother, when you said that whatever may come, we can only tell each other what there is to be told
Back to the Dream I wonder if Kent State, If Woodstock, if Steinman’s bra-burning revolution ever happened.
(egoRainbow) traducere & prezentare: Monica Manolachi Maggie Harris este o poetă, prozatoare și artistă vizuală britanică născută în 1954 în Guyana. După moartea prematură a tatălui, a migrat cu mama și cu surorile ei mai mici în Anglia în 1971. La maturitate, a urmat studii de licență și de masterat la Universitatea din Kent și […]
Tandoori masala Am uitat coriandrul și cum gătea mama puiul. Am uitat ghimbirul, iar piața muncii invocă o criză de livratori. Am uitat chimionul și regulile de circulație rutieră.
[interview with Monica Manolachi] by Ines Vig How do you perceive the role and significance of working as a literary translator in your career? I have translated literature ever since I graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, University of Bucharest, almost two decades ago. It has shaped me both as a researcher […]