The House with no Thought

by V. Leac Translation from Romanian by A C Clarke and Alexandra Sârbu pentru versiunea română click aici   How did I end up living on Teiului Street, on the outskirts of a luxurious neighbourhood, in a small one bedroom apartment which I call the Dalmatian cage, discreetly placed behind a garage – to be more […]

The spider

  by Bogdan Mureşanu Translation from Romanian by Dorothy McCarthy and Diana Maftei [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici    Every time her thoughts drifted towards him, she felt a flight of butterflies fluttering in her stomach, until she started feeling queasy and everything began to spin maddeningly. Nothing was out of the ordinary except […]

Notes from a tourist

  by Mircea Pora Translation from Romanian by Caroline Carver and Zenovia Popa pentru versiunea română click aici     I am not at all sorry I am in this country. Just a few more years and the wandering around or being a tourist – to use a more aristocratic word – shall come to an […]


                                   by Gheorghe Sechesan  Translation from Romanian by Roxana-Andreea Dragu, MTTLC student pentru versiunea română click aici   –          It was hardly by the book, said the Lady-angel, still filing the tips of her wings, an activity which she had started in one of the previous episodes, but hadn’t finished until the present time (the current […]


by Bogdan Munteanu Translation from Romanian by Dorothy McCarthy and Raisa Lambru, MTTLC student pentru versiunea română click aici   You might think that Marişca is an irresistible woman. That she’s damn pretty, that she’s got naturally curly hair, either blonde or dark, depends which you like, that she’s joyful, that she’s got something attractive about […]


de Alan D. Harris [USA] Traducere: Angelica Ţapoca, studentă MTTLC  for the English version click here     –          Dar cu cine crede că vorbeşte? întrebă tata. –          De ce nu te ridici de pe prosop ca să-l întrebi? răspunse mama.   E prima zi de sâmbătă a verii. O oră am condus ca să venim […]

Constatare, 13.

(de la ateism la agnosticism şi înapoi) [III] text invitat de Patrick Călinescu traducere din engleză: Simona Sămulescu [studentă MTTLC] urmat de un comentariu de Ştefan Bolea   click here for the English version   Nu cred în Dumnezeu. Nu am niciun fel de credință în divin. Și totuși, pe de altă parte, nu mă […]

The Nazism of the weak

de Ştefan Bolea translation from Romanian by Alina-Olimpia Miron   click aici pentru versiunea română   The strong must be protected from the weak. [Friedrich Nietzsche]   Just like the Nazis were trying to create super-humans, thus marginalizing the weak, now we’re witnessing the reverse: the creation of sub-humans and the assassination of the strong. […]

The Hallucinogenetic Legacy

by Iulian Tănase translated by Raisa Lambru [MTTLC student]   pentru versiunea română click aici   The female is hallucinogenic. The leaves of the male look different and they are harmless. The female must keep away from the male, if she wishes to remain with her availability intact. Loneliness is hallucinogenic and the female knows […]

The 1914 Forest

by Iulian Tănase translated by Raisa Lambru [MTTLC student]   pentru versiunea română click aici   The sand is a cannibalistic numerologist, pretty well-known among some hot and salty circles, and which feeds on raw meat. Its musculature is very delicate, and its numerous victims know this. The cannibalistic numerologist is endowed with an outer […]

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