short story

The disease

by Mihai Batea [Romania] translated from Romanian by: Maria Jastrzebska & Monica Ţone [MTTLC student] click aici pentru versiunea română   The little boy whines. He is not hungry, he doesn’t like anything and has no appetite. George Hencoop is annoyed, he shouts at him: ‘Don’t be picky, tuck in and go to bed!’. Mother […]

The New Adam [Avatar II]

de Gorun Manolescu translated from Romanian by: Alina-Olimpia Miron pentru versiunea română click aici ‘ Noul Adam (Avatar II) Ei bine, nu! a zis ea şi eu deja mă plictisisem trăgând cu ochiul prin gaura cheii la scălămbăieturile lor sinistre ce deveniseră de la un timp ritual îmbrăcat în lapte şi miere încă de la […]

Editorial Note

Welcome To EgoPHobia’s Short Story section! pentru versiunea română click aici As fellow writers and persons exploring the creative process, we were always looking for new forums and places to both exhibit our work and latearn from others. So, we decided to begin our own place (and when we say ‘our’, we mean ‘our’)

Notă Editorială

Atenţie scriitori, critici şi ilustratori! for the English version, click here Începând cu EgoPHobia #25 am lansat secţiunea de proză scurtă [short story]  în limba română.  Cei care doresc să trimită materiale spre publicare (proză scurtă,  articole critice  sau ilustraţii) sunt invitaţi să le expedieze în format Word, font Times New Roman de mărime 12. Recomandăm […]


by Bruce Benderson (USA) pentru versiunea română click aici   A drug addict and alcoholic, I was fresh out of several years in the worst, most derelict bars imaginable, determined once and for all to put an end to my downward spiral. Because my favorite addiction had been crack, I knew that even the most […]

Russian Lessons

  by Catherine Texier [France] Excerpts from the novel pentru versiunea română click aici   The unnamed narrator of Russian Lessons is a fifty-year old French novelist, recently divorced. With her daughter Lulu, 8, a budding gymnast, she lives in a big loft in downtown Manhattan. She is having an affair with Yuri, a sexy […]

The Homecoming

by Matei Bîtea [Romania] Translation from Romanian by Wendy Stein & Mirona Palas [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici   The young man with a red backpack has two big packages in his hands and cannot get on the train. The stairs to the cabin are blocked. There is a huge crowd of mothers, […]

The prophet of tenth street

by Tsipi Keller [Israel] pentru versiunea română click aici   WRITTEN IN PENCIL IN THE SEALED BOXCAR here in this transport i eve with abel my son if you see my firstborn cain son of man tell him that i ‑‑Dan Pagis Where books are burned, people will be burned ‑‑Heinrich Heine   ONE   […]


by Nava Renek (USA) pentru versiunea română click aici   I’d driven myself to the airport before, but when it came time to pick up Mamoud, I was nervous, worried about the traffic, the parking, finding the right terminal and gate. We hadn’t seen each other in over twenty-five years–since I was twenty and we’d […]

The Immigration Tree

by Carmen Firan (USA) Translation from Romanian by Pat Earnshaw & Dorina Burcea pentru versiunea română click aici The night before, we were sitting on the porch, drinking wine and debating about souls and spirits. Animals have souls but have no spirit, was Adrian’s argument; otherwise they would be sitting here with us in armchairs, […]

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