short story


by Valery Oisteanu [USA] The City Where It Was Illegal to  Die Standardland is hot and dry. The  asphalt melts under your shoes and seems to float away into the traffic.  Dilapidated cars sit abandoned on the central boulevard next to the fashion  mall. In the city where it is forbidden to die, the inhabitants […]


by Alexandru Potcoavă [Romania] translated from Romanian by Graham Mummery & Alina-Olimpia Miron [MTTLC student]   “How’s my darling wife?” Colonel Petrescu’s vodka-soaked voice roared from the hallway. “I’m good, of course!” replied the lady-colonel from the living-room, in an irritated tone, while perusing a Soviet fashion magazine. “Finished the application?” “Finished for the day!“ […]

The Seagull

by Victor Loghin [Romania] translated from Romanian by  Doris Plantus-Runey and Alina Roşu [MTTLC student] edited by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici “…The presence of the seagulls was disturbing me: I drove them out with stones. And I realised that their cries, of a supernatural stridency, were exactly what I needed, because only the […]

Western Politics and Whale Penises

by James Bent [Australia] edited by Robert Fenhagen pentru versiunea română click aici Look, when something gets on my nerves, I simply cannot go on with it.   Like my flat-mate’s couches.  I hate myself for it.  I let people bring things into my life and I don’t even give a damn at the time to […]


[From Berlin ist Mein Paris] by Carmen-Francesca Banciu [Germany] translated from German by Elena Mancini It was. A garden on hilly ground. At the edge of the village. Behind it the mouth of the forests. And the wilderness. And the acacia and the elder pollen in early summer. The village was high up in the […]

A Man of Many Names

by Andrei Guruianu [USA] He was thinking about home, so didn’t notice the girl standing next to him.  Leaning in toward him, she said close enough to his ear that he could smell the wintergreen of her chewing gum. “You’re not from around here.” “Not really.”  He smiled, embarrassed now at not having noticed her. “You’re […]

The mirror

by Marina Popescu [Romania] translated from Romanian by William Oxley & Iulia Vieru [MTTLC student] edited  by Robert Fenhagen      The man opened his closet, where reigned order and tidiness.    Impeccable shirts hung on expensive hangers, and suits slept in their coat covers.        On the right, black, shiny shoes were lined on (special) shelves, and […]


by Florentina  Crăciun Fabiola [Romania] translated by Graham Mummery & Dorina Burcea [MTTLC student] pentru versiunea română click aici   Hayfa was a beautiful half-Turkish, half-Romanian girl. Being an orphan at a young age, her mother, Samira, had been adopted by a Romanian family. She was given a good education but unfortunately she lost them […]

Editorial Note [2]

By Adrian Ioniţă (USA) Our inaugural  issue  of the Short Story section of EgoPHobia (#22) was followed by a wave of submissions, and  we had a hard time to review and  take under  consideration all of them. This was the reason why, regarding our decision to approve their stories, with few exceptions, many writers did not […]

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