Yehuda Yannay: O călătorie de o viață

In Memoriam de Kenneth M. Kapp traducere de Maria Giurgiu read here the original English version Yehuda Yannay a fost un compozitor, dirijor, interpret și artist mutimedia. S-a născut la data de 26 mai 1937 în Timișoara. În mod miraculos, el și membrii de familie apropiați, evrei vorbitori de limba maghiară, au supraviețuit în urma războiului. […]

Two Bio Lab Skeletons

by Ziaul Moid Khan  The two human skeletons in the town’s school biology lab remained inactive during the day. But after midnight, they were like you and me, filled with some basic common desires: anger, love, hatred, jealousy, longing-for-sex and whatnot. The weird human remnants wore a grave look on their bony countenance and were […]

Sails Made of Cash

by Jonathan Ferrini I’m a “Slacker” and a “Gen Z basement dweller” according to my father who included these insults on a note with my personal possessions placed in our front yard for me to find upon returning from work. My dad is a hardnosed career civil servant managing properties owned by the State of […]

The Trial of a Psychopath

by Danyl A. Doyle           The day, or I should say the gray day, of Brad Avon McTrillion’s trial was one of those ugly overcast things where most people stay home, a rare occasion in this area. Charley picked me up at the slanting trailer at seven AM, and we drove my Tacoma because it […]

The Ikon Painter of Faliraki

by Nick Sweeney Some years back we bought our five-Euro kitchen ikon from a roadside shop somewhere near party town Faliraki on the Greek island of Rhodes. Too early, in theory, for the diehard revellers to have got up yet, and also too early for them to recommence revelling, it was a perfect place for […]

Yehuda Yannay – A Journey of a Lifetime

*  In Memoria * by Kenneth M. Kapp versiunea română poate fi citită aici             Yehuda Yannay was a composer, conductor, performer, and a multimedia artist. He was born on May 26, 1937 in Timișoara, Romania. Miraculously, he and his immediate family, Hungarian speaking Jews, survived the war. However, living conditions became dire with increasing antisemitism and […]

șapte poeme, șapte autori

Oda bârfelor de Safia Elhillo traducere & prezentare: Elena Ștefania Dogaru am fost crescută       de femei singure         unele dintre ele        fiind soții         altele       cu

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